Archive for the ‘Propaganda’ Category

Swine Flu (H1N1) – CDC Says 4,000 Deaths In USA — 36,000 Die in USA Per Year of Regular Flu

Why is the Swine Flu (H1N1) being advertised as being so deadly, virulent, horrible, “OH MY GOODNESS, SAVE MY BABY!” sickening that we should all drop everything we are doing and get 2 vaccinations for this thing?

CDC now says 4,000 swine flu deaths in US:

Wed Nov 11, 5:49 pm ET

ATLANTA – Federal health officials now say that 4,000 or more Americans likely have died from swine flu — about four times the estimate they’ve been using.

The new, higher figure was first reported by The New York Times. It includes deaths caused by complications related to swine flu, including pneumonia and bacterial infections. Until now, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention had conservatively put the U.S. swine flu death count at more than 1,000. Officials said this week they’re working on an even more accurate calculation.

The CDC says “many millions” of Americans have caught the pandemic flu virus since it first appeared in April.

Wow… I think I would be fired if I had the job of making sure MILLIONS of Americans are informed and “facilitated in safety” and used such horrible *GUESSTIMATION* numbers as these baffoons.  LikelyEstimatePFFFFFT.

Not to mention that according to the same CDC folks, 36,000 people die of the SEASONAL flu every year.  Sounds like we should welcome H1N1 before we welcome the seasonal jobby.

Is any of this becoming clear?  Judge the fruits, my friends.  You’ll never see the point watching the lips of these people.

Sid The Science Kid: It’s Gonna Help a Whole Lot — Lyrics

Oh yes… there WILL be a parody of this propaganda.



>> Sid looks scared throughout <<

DOC: Hey kids we’re ready to roll,
DOC: Stomping that virus that’s our goal.
DOC: So come on everybody, we’re gettin’ the shot.
DOC: It might hurt a little bit,
ALL: “just a little bit”
DOC: But it’s gonna help a whole lot.
DOC: Mwu ha ha ha ha

MOM: This vaccination is a great opportunity
ALL: “Yes it is”, “yes it is”
MOM: To do something for yourself and your community.
ALL: “Yes it is”, “yes it is”
MOM: The virus won’t spread if we don’t let it.
DOC: So roll up your sleeves and come and get it!

KD1: If I don’t get the virus, I won’t give it to you!
KD2: If you don’t give it to me, I won’t give it to her!
KD3: If I don’t get it from her, I won’t give it to them.
MDS: “That’s true!”

>> Sid now ‘happy’ <<

SID: If I don’t get the virus I won’t give it to you! (points at screen)

ALL: Okay kids, we’re ready to roll, stopping that virus, that’s our goal.
ALL: So come on everybody, we’re gettin’ the shot.
ALL: It might hurt a little bit.
DOC: Just a little bit!
ALL: But it’s gonna help a whole lot.

>> all laughing and giggling <<

>> Sid very happy now <<

SID: Hey kids, I’m ready to roll! (throws head back, yelling, wide smile)
SID: Stopping that virus that’s my goal.
SID: So come on everybody, we’re gettin’ the shot.
SID: It might hurt a little bit.
ALL: just a little bit.

>> sid stuck with needle – watching it the whole time <<

SID: Ouch.
SID: But it’s gonna help a whole lot.

>> All hands up in air with joy <<
>> Sid laughs semi-histerically <<