Posts Tagged ‘usa’

9/11 Pager/Text Messages Released – Wikileaks

Overview of the wikileaks release:

In-depth coverage of this release and content:

Some interesting examples in a dramatic format:

Wikileaks Page – Original Source (Raw Data):

Remember the fallen.

Swine Flu (H1N1) – CDC Says 4,000 Deaths In USA — 36,000 Die in USA Per Year of Regular Flu

Why is the Swine Flu (H1N1) being advertised as being so deadly, virulent, horrible, “OH MY GOODNESS, SAVE MY BABY!” sickening that we should all drop everything we are doing and get 2 vaccinations for this thing?

CDC now says 4,000 swine flu deaths in US:

Wed Nov 11, 5:49 pm ET

ATLANTA – Federal health officials now say that 4,000 or more Americans likely have died from swine flu — about four times the estimate they’ve been using.

The new, higher figure was first reported by The New York Times. It includes deaths caused by complications related to swine flu, including pneumonia and bacterial infections. Until now, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention had conservatively put the U.S. swine flu death count at more than 1,000. Officials said this week they’re working on an even more accurate calculation.

The CDC says “many millions” of Americans have caught the pandemic flu virus since it first appeared in April.

Wow… I think I would be fired if I had the job of making sure MILLIONS of Americans are informed and “facilitated in safety” and used such horrible *GUESSTIMATION* numbers as these baffoons.  LikelyEstimatePFFFFFT.

Not to mention that according to the same CDC folks, 36,000 people die of the SEASONAL flu every year.  Sounds like we should welcome H1N1 before we welcome the seasonal jobby.

Is any of this becoming clear?  Judge the fruits, my friends.  You’ll never see the point watching the lips of these people.

President Obama Declares H1N1 National Emergency – Executive Orders and You! (Update 1)

President Obama Declares H1N1 National Emergency:

Remember Executive Order (EO) 13295 that Bush signed in 2003 saying Federal Law is greater than all when is comes to “mandatory quarantine”? Well, he amended that EO to include “novel influenza that can cause a pandemic“.

*** EDIT *** Deleted list of EO’s that were either revoked or superseded as they detract from the importance of this news.  GO to this site to look up EO’s:

Chance of this happening / martial law due to “flu pandemic”? Probably really low on a national scale. Now on a local scale in “tester” cities… well… people… get your stuff in order now. The warnings don’t get any louder than this.

Obama to Sign Away Our Freedom in Copenhagen for UN Climate Change Treaty?!?! (Update 001)

UPDATE 001: Obama said he wouldn’t sign a little after this article… but here he is again saying he probably will!

That’s right!  Obama IS going to sign this stupid “Climate Change” treaty the UN is pushing and that will kill what Americans have know as freedom.  Watch this video and see from yourself from Lord Christopher Monckton:


“On October 14, Lord Christopher Monckton, a noted climate change expert, gave a presentation at Bethel College in St. Paul, MN in which he issued a dire warning regarding the United Nations Climate Change Treaty which is scheduled to be signed in Copenhagen in December 2009.”

Here is an article going a bit more into what Lord Christopher Monckton is talking about:

Call your congress people now!!


This has GOT TO STOP!
