Posts Tagged ‘obama’

Obama Considers Attending Copenhagen After All


I keep telling people this liar does exactly the opposite of what he says.  I think it’s just too hard for him NOT to lie.  Here it is again folks… Obama plans to sign away US Sovereignty in Copenhagen…

US President Barack Obama has said in an interview that he may reconsider his decision not to attend the global climate summit in Copenhagen in December.

President Obama is again considering whether to come to Copenhagen in December for the United Nations Climate Summit (COP15) — if there is an indication that his presence would make a difference.

The COP15 meeting takes place between Dec. 7 and Dec 18. Obama plans to be in the Norwegian capital Oslo on December 10 to receive his Nobel Peace Prize and could hop down to Copenhagen afterwards.

“And if I am confident that all the countries involved are bargaining in good faith and we are on the brink of a meaningful agreement and my presence in Copenhagen will make a difference in tipping us over the edge, then certainly that’s something that I would do. But I’ve got to make sure that, over the next three weeks, pressure is continually applied on our teams and everybody else’s teams to actually create a framework that people can sign off on,” Obama says in an interview with Reuters.

Not Every T Is Going to Be Crossed

Asked if there was more he could bring to Copenhagen — apart from what is currently being discussed in Washington — Obama was clear that legislation on climate change would not be ready by then.

“I think everybody understands that the Senate won’t have acted on climate change legislation before Copenhagen. And our key partners, including Prime Minister Rasmussen of Denmark, the host, who’s taken a very constructive and active role on this issue, I think recognizes that not every “t” is going to be crossed and “i” dotted in the next three weeks. I think the question is (whether) we can create a set of principles, building blocks, that allow for ongoing and continuing progress on the issue, and that’s something I’m confident we can achieve,” Obama says.

“And I’m confident that the American people will recognize the enormous opportunity around a clean energy economy and the ability for us to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions,” he adds.


Original VL Article on this: CLICK HERE

Video: Fall of the Republic: Presidency of Barack H. Obama

It was released 10/21/2009, but I don’t like to recommend a video until I’ve had a chance to check it out myself.  Well, I watched it and it’s pretty good.  It’s a bit surface level, but I think that is the intent so as to help the ‘masses’ ‘wake-up’.  So all in all I am recommending this film.

I know some people have a problem with Alex Jones, Alan Watts, et cetera… I say, it’s time to get over that myopic tendency.  Ignore the people – pay attention to the facts.  Look them up yourself.  Personalities aside, the information is pretty spot on.  Don’t shut your eyes/ears just because you don’t like some of the actors.


Barack Vaccine Obama! Mmmmmm! Mmmm! mmmm!

Just had to post this… as Homer Simpson would say… “It’s funny ’cause it’s true…”.   Some of the best creativity I’ve seen comes from the guys/gals at GLP… just have to weed through the goofiness and shills. 🙂



Barack Vaccine Obama by “New Tune” @ GLP

mmmmm mmmmmm!
Barack Vaccine Obama

He said that all must have the shot
And the sheep will take it without a thought.
mmmm mmmmm mmmmm
Barack Vaccine Obama

He said I’m declaring a national emergency
Because this flu pandemic is one of urgency
mmm mmmmmmm mmmmmm
Barack Vaccine Obama

He said first we give your kids the FluMist
this spreads it around, are you getting the Gist?
mmmmm mmmmmmm mmmmmm!
Barack Vaccine Obama

He said Red,Yellow,White or Black
Get in line for your vaccine Crack
Mmmmmm mmmmm mmmmmmm!
Barack Vaccine Obama!

President Obama Declares H1N1 National Emergency – Executive Orders and You! (Update 1)

President Obama Declares H1N1 National Emergency:

Remember Executive Order (EO) 13295 that Bush signed in 2003 saying Federal Law is greater than all when is comes to “mandatory quarantine”? Well, he amended that EO to include “novel influenza that can cause a pandemic“.

*** EDIT *** Deleted list of EO’s that were either revoked or superseded as they detract from the importance of this news.  GO to this site to look up EO’s:

Chance of this happening / martial law due to “flu pandemic”? Probably really low on a national scale. Now on a local scale in “tester” cities… well… people… get your stuff in order now. The warnings don’t get any louder than this.

Obama to Sign Away Our Freedom in Copenhagen for UN Climate Change Treaty?!?! (Update 001)

UPDATE 001: Obama said he wouldn’t sign a little after this article… but here he is again saying he probably will!

That’s right!  Obama IS going to sign this stupid “Climate Change” treaty the UN is pushing and that will kill what Americans have know as freedom.  Watch this video and see from yourself from Lord Christopher Monckton:


“On October 14, Lord Christopher Monckton, a noted climate change expert, gave a presentation at Bethel College in St. Paul, MN in which he issued a dire warning regarding the United Nations Climate Change Treaty which is scheduled to be signed in Copenhagen in December 2009.”

Here is an article going a bit more into what Lord Christopher Monckton is talking about:

Call your congress people now!!


This has GOT TO STOP!


What happened to Global Warming Mr. Science Czar?


VL: Oh yeah… Mr. John Holdren… I forgot… Global Warming is a hoax and the elites’ Eugenics agenda won’t be furthered by it’s ‘influence’.  Hey why not just switch it over to Global Cooling and see if anyone notices, right?  I know you’ve (personally) been pushing ‘cooling’ for a while, but all of your buddies have been saying ‘warming’ for a couple of decades.  Get ya’lls’ story straight will ya’?!?!  What a bunch of bafoons.  Your h+ / transhumanist / eugenic ‘religion’ agenda will NOT prevail.


Holdren: Ice age will kill 1 billion: Obama’s science chief blames man-made carbon emissions

White House science czar John Holdren has predicted 1 billion people will die in “carbon-dioxide induced famines” in a coming new ice age by 2020.

As WND previously reported, Holdren predicted in a 1971 textbook co-authored with Malthusian population alarmist Paul Ehrlich that global over-population was heading the Earth to a new ice age unless the government mandated urgent measures to control population, including the possibility of involuntary birth control measures such as forced sterilization.

Holdren’s prediction that 1 billion people would die from a global cooling “eco-disaster” was announced in Ehrlich’s 1986 book “The Machinery of Nature.”

[more at link above]

Obama Internet Shill Team is Real!

It’s been well known that people get paid to “plant” opinions at certain blogs, news articles, and message boards.  Their opinions aren’t necessarily theirs, either, but rather the story the employer has told the shill to stick to and plaster across the web.  Here are some examples of this activity:

–> Is that blogger review really a paid ad? The FTC wants you to know.
–> Paid Forum Posting for Hire

Well, that option may very well be a great tool for driving traffic to your website (even though I think it’s a little cheesy), it’s yet another tool for ‘good’ that has been used for bad.  Specifically, spreading political propaganda and quelling opposition.  Utterly detestable.


Obama’s Attorney General, Eric Holder, has apparently hired a cadre of left-wing, Democrat campaign bloggers to troll through the Internet looking for news stories and blog posts that denigrate the Obama agenda. After such websites are found it is the job of these secret lefty bloggers to leave comments that come to the support of Obamaism in the comments sections. It seems that Eric Holder has created his own little propaganda unit in a valiant effort to become the Bloggi Riefenstahl of the Obama era.

As reported at The Muffled Oar, a blog that first broke the story of Holder’s secretive blogging unit — dubbed the “Blog Squad” by blogger Isaac Muzzey — Holder has housed this unit in the Office of Public Affairs at the Department of Justice. It also appears that former John Edwards staffer Tracy Russo is part of this special unit.

A site called reported back in May that DOJ hired Russo to do “media outreach for the whole department.” It is, according to, the first time such an effort has been made at DOJ.

Of Russo’s duties, The Muffled Oar says:

Not only is the Department of Justice Blog Squad going to reach out to nontraditional media like TPM Muckraker or the Muffled Oar, but they are also tasked with fostering anonymous comments at conservative leaning blogs such as the Free Republic. They are also tasked with fostering anonymous comments, or comments under pseudonyms, at newspaper websites with stories critical of the Department of Justice, Holder and President Obama.

If indeed this is what DOJ media outreach does it would most certainly qualify as “astroturfing.” Astroturfing is the action of using fake commenters and multiple screen names on all sorts of sites to push a similar opinion to create the appearance of a grass roots movement and make it seem as if there are all sorts of individuals naturally supporting a product or political movement.

It most certainly is a creepy, propagandistic sort of effort that Holder’s office is involved in and it is one that certainly seems an immoral one. After all, it most certainly is lying to the public if there are a handful of DOJ employees casting about on hundreds of different websites pretending that they are just your average citizen coming to the support of the Obama administration. But is it illegal? Hans von Spakovsky of National Review’s the corner blog certainly thinks so.

I doubt that the Office of Public Affairs (OPA) has received an ethics opinion from Justice’s Professional Responsibility Advisory Office (PRAO) saying that it is acceptable for OPA employees to be harassing critics of the department through postings that deliberately hide their DOJ affiliation (a practice that is not very “open” or “transparent”). DOJ lawyers also ought to be aware of ABA Model Rule of Professional Conduct 8.4, which states that it is professional misconduct for a lawyer to engage in conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit, or misrepresentation. If the report in The Muffled Oar is correct, tax dollars are being used directly for such dishonest, deceitful behavior.

I must say, it’s hard to disagree with von Spakovsky (if that’s his real name! — a little joke there).

Mr. von Spakovsky also makes a perfectly pertinent point to wrap up his blog post on this matter. He wonders if the Obama administration will ever learn the difference between political campaign and the “entirely different responsibility it now has to enforce this nation’s laws in an objective, nonpartisan, nonpolitical manner”?

I think that the question is a good one. After all, after nearly a year in office, we have yet to see the end Obama’s constant blaming of Bush for every little problem he runs up against not to mention the constant campaign speeches and appearances on TV at every hour, day and night. One gets the uneasy feeling that President Barack Obama has yet to put in an actual day’s work as he constantly campaigns for office instead.

Anchor This: 2009, 09-07
2009 State of the Future
– $5 if you don’t want a vaccine
Shepard Fairey – Obama’s Campaign Artist
Jon Favreau – Obama’s Chief Speechwriter
Aspartame + Rumsfeld — derived from bioweapon experiment — search engine “aspartame manufacturing process”
======================================= =======================================
international property maintenance code 2009

RIGHTS: Title 42 of US Code, Sections 1983 – 1987, TITLE 42 > CHAPTER 21 > SUBCHAPTER I
CHINESE Star Anise — basis of Tamiflu
Graphic – Pandemic peaks around day 85:

Guide for Families and Individuals for Pandemic **Planning**:

Individuals and Family Planning:

Commercial from 1976 about Swine Flu Shots: