Posts Tagged ‘fema’

9/11 Pager/Text Messages Released – Wikileaks

Overview of the wikileaks release:

In-depth coverage of this release and content:

Some interesting examples in a dramatic format:

Wikileaks Page – Original Source (Raw Data):

Remember the fallen.

President Obama Declares H1N1 National Emergency – Executive Orders and You! (Update 1)

President Obama Declares H1N1 National Emergency:

Remember Executive Order (EO) 13295 that Bush signed in 2003 saying Federal Law is greater than all when is comes to “mandatory quarantine”? Well, he amended that EO to include “novel influenza that can cause a pandemic“.

*** EDIT *** Deleted list of EO’s that were either revoked or superseded as they detract from the importance of this news.  GO to this site to look up EO’s:

Chance of this happening / martial law due to “flu pandemic”? Probably really low on a national scale. Now on a local scale in “tester” cities… well… people… get your stuff in order now. The warnings don’t get any louder than this.