Posts Tagged ‘UN’

Video: Fall of the Republic: Presidency of Barack H. Obama

It was released 10/21/2009, but I don’t like to recommend a video until I’ve had a chance to check it out myself.  Well, I watched it and it’s pretty good.  It’s a bit surface level, but I think that is the intent so as to help the ‘masses’ ‘wake-up’.  So all in all I am recommending this film.

I know some people have a problem with Alex Jones, Alan Watts, et cetera… I say, it’s time to get over that myopic tendency.  Ignore the people – pay attention to the facts.  Look them up yourself.  Personalities aside, the information is pretty spot on.  Don’t shut your eyes/ears just because you don’t like some of the actors.


Obama to Sign Away Our Freedom in Copenhagen for UN Climate Change Treaty?!?! (Update 001)

UPDATE 001: Obama said he wouldn’t sign a little after this article… but here he is again saying he probably will!

That’s right!  Obama IS going to sign this stupid “Climate Change” treaty the UN is pushing and that will kill what Americans have know as freedom.  Watch this video and see from yourself from Lord Christopher Monckton:


“On October 14, Lord Christopher Monckton, a noted climate change expert, gave a presentation at Bethel College in St. Paul, MN in which he issued a dire warning regarding the United Nations Climate Change Treaty which is scheduled to be signed in Copenhagen in December 2009.”

Here is an article going a bit more into what Lord Christopher Monckton is talking about:

Call your congress people now!!


This has GOT TO STOP!
