Archive for the ‘Video’ Category

Sid The Science Kid: It’s Gonna Help a Whole Lot — Lyrics

Oh yes… there WILL be a parody of this propaganda.



>> Sid looks scared throughout <<

DOC: Hey kids we’re ready to roll,
DOC: Stomping that virus that’s our goal.
DOC: So come on everybody, we’re gettin’ the shot.
DOC: It might hurt a little bit,
ALL: “just a little bit”
DOC: But it’s gonna help a whole lot.
DOC: Mwu ha ha ha ha

MOM: This vaccination is a great opportunity
ALL: “Yes it is”, “yes it is”
MOM: To do something for yourself and your community.
ALL: “Yes it is”, “yes it is”
MOM: The virus won’t spread if we don’t let it.
DOC: So roll up your sleeves and come and get it!

KD1: If I don’t get the virus, I won’t give it to you!
KD2: If you don’t give it to me, I won’t give it to her!
KD3: If I don’t get it from her, I won’t give it to them.
MDS: “That’s true!”

>> Sid now ‘happy’ <<

SID: If I don’t get the virus I won’t give it to you! (points at screen)

ALL: Okay kids, we’re ready to roll, stopping that virus, that’s our goal.
ALL: So come on everybody, we’re gettin’ the shot.
ALL: It might hurt a little bit.
DOC: Just a little bit!
ALL: But it’s gonna help a whole lot.

>> all laughing and giggling <<

>> Sid very happy now <<

SID: Hey kids, I’m ready to roll! (throws head back, yelling, wide smile)
SID: Stopping that virus that’s my goal.
SID: So come on everybody, we’re gettin’ the shot.
SID: It might hurt a little bit.
ALL: just a little bit.

>> sid stuck with needle – watching it the whole time <<

SID: Ouch.
SID: But it’s gonna help a whole lot.

>> All hands up in air with joy <<
>> Sid laughs semi-histerically << 

Video: Fall of the Republic: Presidency of Barack H. Obama

It was released 10/21/2009, but I don’t like to recommend a video until I’ve had a chance to check it out myself.  Well, I watched it and it’s pretty good.  It’s a bit surface level, but I think that is the intent so as to help the ‘masses’ ‘wake-up’.  So all in all I am recommending this film.

I know some people have a problem with Alex Jones, Alan Watts, et cetera… I say, it’s time to get over that myopic tendency.  Ignore the people – pay attention to the facts.  Look them up yourself.  Personalities aside, the information is pretty spot on.  Don’t shut your eyes/ears just because you don’t like some of the actors.