Posts Tagged ‘swine flu’

Letter To Institutions: Request For NON-Vaccination Of My Child

Here’s a good letter you can pass out to your school (or, slightly modified) to ANY organization demanding vaccination for swine flu (H1N1)):



A letter for your school principal (and nursing staff)

From: ***YOUR NAME***

Date: ***DATE***

RE: Request for NON-vaccination of my child ***CHILD’S NAME***


Dear Principal **NAME** (and the nursing staff),

This letter is to inform you that as a parent of a child in your school, I do not consent to any H1N1 (Swine Flu) vaccination of my child, ***CHILD’S NAME***, and that if my child is subjected to such a vaccine without my permission, I will consider that a gross violation of not only my parental rights, but the civil rights of my child.

The H1N1 swine flu vaccines currently being given to schoolchildren in America were approved by the FDA using an unlawful waiver that allowed the vaccines to be approved with absolutely no credible scientific testing. No adequate safety or efficacy testing has been conducted on any of the swine flu vaccines, and those children who are being injected with the vaccines are being treated as human guinea pigs.

H1N1 swine flu has also turned out to be so mild that it can be easily overcome with a healthy immune system aided by healthy levels of circulating vitamin D [VL: and Vitamin C]. My child takes vitamin D [VL: and Vitamin C] supplementation and therefore has an extremely healthy, active immune system that can easily mount its own antibody response against swine flu or other forms of influenza. Because of his immune system health and nutritional regimen, my child poses no health threat as a “carrier” of the swine flu, even without being vaccinated.

As a parent, part of my responsibility to my child is to protect them from potentially dangerous chemicals or unproven medications that may cause neurological side effects. A previous batch of swine flu vaccines in 1976 are now known to have caused Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS), a serious neurological disorder that can cause paralysis or death. The risk of such side effects may be small, but they are permanent and not worth the claimed protection against a disease that, according to CDC statistics, is many times less virulent than regular seasonal flu.

Please make note that my child is not to receive any vaccinations without my prior written consent, and that if my child is subjected to vaccines of any kind without such permission, I will immediately seek legal counsel in an attempt to hold your school responsible for all long-term medical costs potentially associated with the vaccine side effects. I will also sue for violation of my child’s civil rights.

Should such a scenario unfold, I also plan to go public with this story at both the local and national levels in order to bring increased awareness to this gross violation of parental rights. A copy of this signed and dated letter will be made available to the press to prove that I clearly and specifically requested my child NOT be vaccinated. I will also be happy to provide this documentation to whatever state regulators or law enforcement investigators may become involved at that point.

You may avoid all of this by honoring my request to safeguard my child from any and all H1N1 (Swine Flu) vaccines being given at your school.



Sid The Science Kid: It’s Gonna Help a Whole Lot — Lyrics

Oh yes… there WILL be a parody of this propaganda.



>> Sid looks scared throughout <<

DOC: Hey kids we’re ready to roll,
DOC: Stomping that virus that’s our goal.
DOC: So come on everybody, we’re gettin’ the shot.
DOC: It might hurt a little bit,
ALL: “just a little bit”
DOC: But it’s gonna help a whole lot.
DOC: Mwu ha ha ha ha

MOM: This vaccination is a great opportunity
ALL: “Yes it is”, “yes it is”
MOM: To do something for yourself and your community.
ALL: “Yes it is”, “yes it is”
MOM: The virus won’t spread if we don’t let it.
DOC: So roll up your sleeves and come and get it!

KD1: If I don’t get the virus, I won’t give it to you!
KD2: If you don’t give it to me, I won’t give it to her!
KD3: If I don’t get it from her, I won’t give it to them.
MDS: “That’s true!”

>> Sid now ‘happy’ <<

SID: If I don’t get the virus I won’t give it to you! (points at screen)

ALL: Okay kids, we’re ready to roll, stopping that virus, that’s our goal.
ALL: So come on everybody, we’re gettin’ the shot.
ALL: It might hurt a little bit.
DOC: Just a little bit!
ALL: But it’s gonna help a whole lot.

>> all laughing and giggling <<

>> Sid very happy now <<

SID: Hey kids, I’m ready to roll! (throws head back, yelling, wide smile)
SID: Stopping that virus that’s my goal.
SID: So come on everybody, we’re gettin’ the shot.
SID: It might hurt a little bit.
ALL: just a little bit.

>> sid stuck with needle – watching it the whole time <<

SID: Ouch.
SID: But it’s gonna help a whole lot.

>> All hands up in air with joy <<
>> Sid laughs semi-histerically << 

Session I of a Council On Foreign Relations Symposium on Pandemic Influenza: Science, Economics and Foreign Policy

I quickly scanned through this transcript (there is a video available, too) and just HAD to point out to key “take-aways” from this mess of a “Symposium”:

[01] Only “crazy”, “ultra-righ/left”, “unholy” people believe vaccines are bad or at best faulty science that needs to be questioned / studied… they MUST be countered in ways that involve “psychology and communication strategy” (read: NLP, MK Ultra, etc.).

[02] The best way to get people to ‘willingly submit’ to the vaccine would be to induce fear by making the virus seem horribly deadly AND say there is a shortage of the ‘fix’.  HELLO!


Session I of a Council On Foreign Relations Symposium on Pandemic Influenza: Science, Economics and Foreign Policy

Panelists: Arnold Monto, Professor, Epidemiology, University of Michigan Peter Palese, Professor and Chair, Microbiology and Professor of Medicine, Infectious Diseases, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, Lone Simonsen, Research Professor and Research Director, Department of Global Health, George Washington University

Presider: Jon Cohen, Correspondent, Science Magazine

Introductory Speaker: Laurie A. Garrett, Senior Fellow For Global Health, Council on Foreign Relations

October 16, 2009 — Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)


[01] QUESTIONER: Tom Wilson (ph), Cornell Medical School.

Sir, I think we’re all aware that the anti-vaccine movement is having a field day on the Internet and on media outlooks like Fox News and so on, causing productions in vaccine uptake, and it appears to be a pretty unholy alliance of the ultra right and the ultra left working together to sort of hit with strong anti-tactics, and I’m not sure we’re countering these people very well, and one of the things I do in my spare time is counter the AIDS denial as to people believe HIV is harmless or doesn’t exist, and who led to the deaths of over 350,000 people in South Africa over the past decade.

And you have to take these people on in a different style than scientists are used to. We have to develop better sound bites. We have to develop better discussion. You don’t really — you can’t really debate these people, but you have to develop the counter methods. For example, you hear that we shouldn’t take flu vaccines because the mercury will kill us.

Well, Paul Offert (ph) in the New York Times last week pointed out that there is less mercury in a flu shot than there is in a tuna fish sandwich [VL: I often INJECT my tuna sandwich… what about you? *CLICK HERE* for the science on Mercury and why ingestion is different from injection], and that’s a powerful sound bite to use against the crazy people who think that vaccines will kill you. That’s just one example. We need to develop anti-tactics to get across the message that vaccines are safe and beneficial to society, and we need to learn to deal with the crazy people who would try and stop us doing that.

SIMONSEN: I’d like to completely agree with you. I think there’s a lot of room for improvement, virtually reaching better across the public health expertise to attract the people who are interested in receiving the facts and actually to prevent the mistrust. Actually, there are many people who sort of (inaudible) that mistrust and I think there’s really a very good case for doing more in the area of psychology and communications strategy to actually relate data and so that people can really understand. I mean, we’re on the same plane here. This is a disease that’s threatening humanity and here is the best vaccine and you need it.


[02] COHEN: Well, it’s an interesting question, though. Would you be against mandating?

SIMONSEN: Well, I think this is very interesting because, I mean, especially for the health-care worker example. I mean, there are many, many good reasons why health care workers should be considering immunization for their own safety but also to protect and, first, do no harm to the patients that they are treating. Having said that, does it work to mandate?

I think what would work better would be to say that there was a shortage and people tend to buy more of something that’s in demand. (Laughter.) We saw that — there was one season where, really, people lined up all night to get a flu shot.

Swine Flu (H1N1) Vaccine Bad In Some Places – Not Good Old America!

If you aren’t seeing the point, yet, then please… remove the mud from your eyes and (at a minimum) meditate over these headlines [01] and [02]… maybe even /dare/ to read the articles.

[01] Swissmedic does not approve H1N1 Vaccine for pregnant women, children under 18 years old, and adults over 60.


Swissmedic has data that show that a single shot with the A(H1N1) flu antigen, mixed with the AS03 adjuvant, leads to sufficient antibody formation.

However, in the case of Pandemrix we mainly have data for adults, but still do not have any data for pregnant women and very little data for children. For this reason, Swissmedic has not yet authorised the administration of Pandemrix to pregnant women, children under the age of 18 and adults over 60.

By the way, AS03 is the GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) squalene containing adjuvant.

Here is another take on this announcement:

Switzerland forbids “swine flu” vaccine for pregnant women, young and old!


[02] Studies reaffirm 2 vaccine doses in kids, show safety in pregnant women

Nov 2, 2009 (CIDRAP News) – Interim clinical trial findings announced today affirm that children younger than 10 need two pandemic H1N1 vaccine doses, and initial findings in pregnant women reveal no safety concerns and a need for only one dose.

Federal officials also detailed the role [VL: not admitting to any work thereof, yet… because there isn’t any] of an independent panel of experts to review vaccine safety data and released a report outlining the government’s vaccine safety monitoring system.

At a media briefing today, Bruce Gellin, MD, director of the National Vaccine Program at the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), said federal officials realize that, despite problems with vaccine supply and demand, Americans still have concerns about its safety. He told reporters that an independent expert group charged with reviewing vaccine safety data met for the first time today to become familiar with the data sources they’ll be reviewing.

The entire articles detailed how diligently the ‘system’ will be monitoring the REACTION to the vaccines… a complete REACTIVE approach to safety ‘research’. THIS HAS TO BE DONE BEFORE – NOT AFTER. GET IT?


nshade1See this nice little, almost friendly looking, bush full of berries? They sure look tasty… why not just have a handful? We’ve done studies (we watched a sample of 3, healthy, 38 year old adults) eat 3 of the berries with no adverse affects so we are confident in saying that it is safe for ALL people of ALL ages and ALL conditions to have a few. Heck, you might as well eat them when they’re green, too since we don’t have time to wait for them to ripen. We should have sufficient data on the viability of this method after a few thousand ‘testers’ report back their findings (if they are able). So come on – these berries will make you immune to your hunger!  “Just eat your damn berries!”

By the way, these berries are from a Nightshade bush and are deadly when unripe and potentially deadly in quantity when ripe. You couldn’t really know that if ‘research’ wasn’t done…. if they won’t do it, then you must do it yourself lest you subject yourself to your own demise.

Just say no to invincibly ignorant suicidal tendencies.

Moshe bar-Joseph: H1N1 Bioweapon – More Information

I’m still not too sure about this link between Moshe bar-Joseph and his alleged link to the H1N1 vaccine’s supposed bioweapon purpose, but there are some interesting ties to be examined.

Moshe is a member of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV), Plant Virus Subcommittee, Viroids Study Group.  So what – it’s about plants, right?  Well maybe they just need a virus expert or maybe the /engineered/ H1N1 virus has a plant component to it?  Who knows, but what we do know is he is a member of that group:

Take a look at the list on the link above.  The Chair of the group is Mr. Robert Owen, who works for the Agricultural Research Service (ARS) of the USDA.  So what, again, right – it’s food?  Yeah well, since it is “swine flu” and somehow associated with pigs… there is an H1N1 research program:

There is mention of tests related to the H1N1 vaccines as part of their research.  Poke around and see for yourself.  No obvious “smoking gun” that I can see, but the relation to the original story is potentially there and some industrious person could probably go off in this direction and uncover something of interest.

Original Story:


I’m also thinking that since research has shown that the parasite that causes the Morgellons disease symptoms is partially plant based and insect based that it could have some relevance to Moshe’s research.  Not to mention it being spread by cotton and other plants.  THEN we bring transfer DNA (t-DNA) problems related to GMO foods and how the very stuff we eat is either tearing us apart or turning us into a transhumanist / h+ dream.  Need more information, but it would be nice to see the research done on this possible connection.

Barack Vaccine Obama! Mmmmmm! Mmmm! mmmm!

Just had to post this… as Homer Simpson would say… “It’s funny ’cause it’s true…”.   Some of the best creativity I’ve seen comes from the guys/gals at GLP… just have to weed through the goofiness and shills. 🙂



Barack Vaccine Obama by “New Tune” @ GLP

mmmmm mmmmmm!
Barack Vaccine Obama

He said that all must have the shot
And the sheep will take it without a thought.
mmmm mmmmm mmmmm
Barack Vaccine Obama

He said I’m declaring a national emergency
Because this flu pandemic is one of urgency
mmm mmmmmmm mmmmmm
Barack Vaccine Obama

He said first we give your kids the FluMist
this spreads it around, are you getting the Gist?
mmmmm mmmmmmm mmmmmm!
Barack Vaccine Obama

He said Red,Yellow,White or Black
Get in line for your vaccine Crack
Mmmmmm mmmmm mmmmmmm!
Barack Vaccine Obama!

Moshe bar-Joseph: Pictures (LA Standoff + Work)

I watched the standoff in LA with Moshe bar-Joseph and tried to gather as many pictures as I could.  Some interesting ones here… note the ‘black firetruck’ with ‘interesting devices’ on the roof that seem to collaborate the last Moshe story I posted.

Hope you enjoy them and let me know if you have found any other interesting photos related to this intriguing case.

The Swine Flu Media Propaganda

Here’s a pretty good presentation on some of the Swine Flu (H1N1) Vaccine Propaganda that is going on right now, and has been since 1976.


Vaccination Records for Adults, Teens, & Children

nojabHere is a blank form for detailing to inquiring minds what vaccines you have had. There is also an example / instructional sheet attached.

These documents are good for your general records and excellent in case someone “questions you on the spot”.


This form is labeled for Adults:

This form is labeled for Teens & Children:

NOTE: The instructions do not limit you to entering only factual information. 🙂

CDC Swine Flu (H1N1) Isolation Order

.Gov Link:
Backup Link:


A draft isolation order from the CDC for someone who is pegged as being infected with the swine flu (H1N1).  The draft states that anyone who fails to comply could face up to 2 years imprisonment.

VL: Sure, it’s just a draft, but does this pique anyone’s interest just a tad?